Monday, December 27, 2010

Merry Christmas

Christmas milky - though she got other gifts for Christmas, this is all she really wanted - and she was very appreciative, as always!

Our Christmas tree. I bought it in 1999 for $19.99. Matt likes to make fun of it but it does the job: keeps the ornaments and lights off the floor and makes a spot to put gifts. I love this tree and its lore for our family but what I love more is that Matt put the tree and lights up for me this year because I was too overwhelmed to be able to manage it. And for my gift he got me this tree skirt the kids told him I liked. I will always treasure it.

See? I told you he was happier later on. This was when I reminded him that he wouldn't smile for me in the earlier picture. He jumped up and posed in front of the tree for me. It's better than nothing!

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