Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Just cuteness

Apparently we have learned to climb things! Odelia is 13 months. The kids got all the Duplos out for her because she seemed to really enjoy Shiloh's new Duplo train he got from SaSa for Christmas. And this is her greatest joy today - climbing up then yelling for someone to come see her and, presumably, get her down safely.

And here's Allegra with "Baby Jesus" in her stroller. An hour ago, she and Shiloh had built a nice manger out of the Duplos and were playing "Mary and Joseph are running in circles around Baby Jesus!" I love Christmas!!
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Monday, December 27, 2010

Merry Christmas

Christmas milky - though she got other gifts for Christmas, this is all she really wanted - and she was very appreciative, as always!

Our Christmas tree. I bought it in 1999 for $19.99. Matt likes to make fun of it but it does the job: keeps the ornaments and lights off the floor and makes a spot to put gifts. I love this tree and its lore for our family but what I love more is that Matt put the tree and lights up for me this year because I was too overwhelmed to be able to manage it. And for my gift he got me this tree skirt the kids told him I liked. I will always treasure it.

See? I told you he was happier later on. This was when I reminded him that he wouldn't smile for me in the earlier picture. He jumped up and posed in front of the tree for me. It's better than nothing!

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The Bright Spots

I feel like I need to say something positive to balance out my dire words a few posts back. Yes, I am still struggling. Yes, 5 is very possibly my limit. Yes, I could bore you for weeks about how difficult this past year + has been for me. But what I want to say is that it's going to be all worth it. And what really makes it worth it is the relationships we get to watch growing between our children. Odelia ADORES Cymbre and sometimes even prefers her to me. Allegra and Cymbre are getting to be friends. Shiloh and Eli are sharing some common interests. Allegra and Shiloh love to play with the baby and protect her from dangers like the stairs. Odelia loves when Eli makes faces at her. She dances when the children sing. It's worth it. It's worth it. It's hard but I know it's worth it.

I mean seriously, this is some champion cuteness.

Christmas morning. After church. Eli wouldn't smile because we told them they needed to do chores while we made lunch and he was upset that Christmas was turning out to be "just like every other day." He was a LOT happier later on.

More serious cuteness. New baby shoes and a red velvet baby track suit. She's my dolly.
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Monday, December 6, 2010

Merry Christmas from the Scott family!

We once again had our family photos done by our friend Devon. This year we did them early enough to have a lovely outdoor shoot! Enjoy!

Cymbre - age 9

Eli - age 7

Allegra - age 5

Shiloh - age 3
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Merry Christmas from the Scott family!

Miss Odelia - 11 months

Sister picture: Allegra, Cymbre and Odelia

Brother picture: Shiloh and Eli

Me and my darlin'
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Merry Christmas from the Scott family!

I decided to do some fun "packin' heat" pictures. These will make me smile when I am old.

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