Friday, January 15, 2010

Old news, NEW baby!

The Intern graduated on November 10th after just a short little labor and a straightforward and quick birth in our bathroom. Her name is Odelia Hope and she's sweet and amazing and truly a gift from God.
Here she is at 3 days old:
Here she is with the whole crew at her baptism on November 15th.
Here she is with Daddy at 4 weeks, in her first 3-6 month outfit. She seems to have misread the tags... her early literacy has her confused as to the meaning of months vs. weeks.
And here she is at 9 weeks in one of her her fabulous new BumGenius Organic diapers that were a gift from some wonderful friends and the beautiful afghan that some lovely ladies at church made for her.
(This week finds her ready to bust out of her 3-6 month wardrobe - again, she seems to feel she is falling behind because of the confusion with reading the size tags. It's like she heard that the next size is 6-9 and, being 9 weeks, she's just got to get to it before it's too late!)
Odelia is just a pile of love and smiles. We are so thankful to have her in our family!!
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Can't wait for spring!

I've got a little spring fever here! Looking at these pictures from last spring, I can almost feel the sun... but not quite. This year I hope to grow lots of good stuff to feed my family and to put up for winter. I also hope to get the kids out to do lots of berry-picking and canning/freezing. But for now, I'll just dream of warmth and sunshine and pleasant breezes...

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